Sunday, September 21, 2008


Someone poking around the liberal web today for the first time would quickly come to this conclusion: it's a bunch of people with a liberal arts education and a hatred of Republicans talking about subjects they know little to nothing about. For years, I have been frustrated by these people with their unfocused anger, their mistaken belief in their own moral and intellectual superiority, their lack of interaction with the "little people" they claim they want to help so badly, their perverse insistence on supporting candidates (Obama, Dean) they have to know, subconsciously, many common people are inclined to reject. But the last two days that anger is boiling over. The vast majority of them need to shut the fuck up about the financial crisis because they are entirely unqualified to talk about it, and the only thing that comes out when they do talk about it is their hatred of Bush and Republicans, which hatred those same "little people" will hear loud and clear, and not be too interested in when their jobs are on the line.